Review for It's not a side effect of the cocaine, I'm just like this so kiss my sass!

It's not a side effect of the cocaine, I'm just like this so kiss my sass!

(#) Life_is_42 2008-07-01

oooo talk about a quickie in the back of the bus ;) (ok maybe not the back of the back of the bus...but....farther back than the front of the bus?)

i've really enjoyed this story so far (So you should keep updating, yes? yes!)

I love each different character, and the different dynamics of each relationship.

its eitehr wishful thinking because i love "J-dub", or because i'm a petite, no-boobed, brunette too...but i can sort of identify with JJ's personality. hehehehe.

its generally so much fun to read the shenanagins of these two bands, and i sure hope jack and amy get their acts(or asses) together already!!!!!!! good lawd above.

I'm pleased, also, to find that this is well written, in description/style, and length of chapters and formatting. would give you cookies if not for the internet being stupid like that .

i love the personality this story has, keep up with it, do!


Author's response

that was an amazing review so thank you! and the story would be boring if everyone were the same! and i thought j-dub would be an awesome nick name for jon. i am weird and i have nicknames for most of the FBR/Decaydance group. Patrick is Stumpy, Brendon is Brenny Boo Boo, obviously Jon is J-Dub, and so forth.

updates will come soon, don't worry!