Review for We can settle this affair.

We can settle this affair.

(#) alice93 2008-07-08

Oh no. Poor Vi. Now I feel sorry for her not Gerard. Nasty Gerard, hurting Viola. I hate Gerard-well not really, I could never hate in any story, no mater how bad he was. Still, naughty Gee.
Wow, she must've really liked him to throw up over him. And now I have mixed emotions. I'm pleased because she's finally fully admitted to loving Gerard but pissed off because he doesn't appear to love her anymore-or does he? It's a bit like "gone with the wind", isn't it? In fact, it's almost exactly like that.
I laughed about Bob being passed out in the bushes, lol. And Ray aruguing over the cup.
Ew, that's exactly what my school dances are like-that's what everyone's school dances are like.
Great chapter. I can't wait until th next one. I love Viola and Gerard's relationship because you never know what's going to happen next. It's so...epic!
Update soon.

Author's response

I'm glad you don't approve of Gerard, he came out too goody goody in this chapter so I felt like shaking up this image.