Review for You Remind Me Of A Former Love.

You Remind Me Of A Former Love.

(#) MrSz-Or3o 2008-07-12

so you got me..
i honestly thought
that Brendon was
being honest
although i was honestly
praying that Ryan wouldn't
take him baq either way.

HONESTLY....yer fillers
shouldn't be considered

they are honestly wayy too
to be fillers..

ok annd now i'm honestly done
with over using the werd

much love
MrSz.Or3o x3

Author's response

Honestly, your over-use of the word 'honestly' made me honestly giggle.

I mean, honestly.

Nonetheless, I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter and thought that the filler shouldn't be considered a filler, because fillers kind of suck.

Anyway, thank you for the review!