Review for Motorcycle


(#) vianca 2008-08-03

Nice, love the plot breaking of some plotters.

Wonder how you will handel Harry's family line.

Will Harry go as James Black if he doesn't want anybody to notice it's him by his name?

What about them getting a chest (or two) like Moody has?
They could connect them to each other.
And if they think a bit, they should be able to turn a door (or so) into the passage into their chest house (think Washu's lab, Techi Muyo).
Perfect for at Hogwarts.
And if they really work on it, they could do lots more with it.

Any change on farenday principles being used togeter with cristal and fiberoptical tech (ect) to get working muggle electronic stuff in a magical place like Hogwarts?
It might even help them control some types of magic without having to do all the steps all the time.

Maybe a magical/electronical holodeck by building on the principles of the Room of Requirments that Hogwarts has?
True, you need some way to use memories of some place with a pc to control it all, so the room changes in the right way. :p

Anyway, hope to read more, soon.