Review for We can settle this affair.

We can settle this affair.

(#) _cranium_ 2008-08-17

that was a really good chapter. you really know how to make everything sound as real as it happened right infront of me. or to me. in any case.... i guess she deserves this. what goes around, comes around and she really did screw up and she can't just expect gerard to cling to her like lindsay lohan clings to.... uhmt hat was a bad one, she clings to everyone. well nevermind, the point is gerard is obviously trying very hard to move on. jacob wants to add that she should try to wreck gee's and dee's relationship, cause if she stays cal and goes back to her dear ray and leaves them alone, well where's the fun and drama in that?

Author's response

Oh trust Vi to find trouble, if there's anything she's got at is finding trouble and messing shit up. Either way you're gonna get trouble.