Review for Remember Tomorrow.

Remember Tomorrow.

(#) alice93 2008-09-03

Oh my GAWD! Why do you always do this to me?! I'm on the edge of my fucking chair again! And seriously waiting for you to update like...soon.
She can't get caught, they have to find Frankie. To be honest, it makes me gleam (yes I said gleam) when she says my Frankie, my Mikey, my Gee. It's like they belong to her or something.
I never liked her stupid-ass parents. I mean, I can kinda understand why Gee, Mikey and her brother didn't come to visit her, it may just have been to painful for them, but her parents??? I mean, they're her parents, their mean't to be there for her! God, their such physco's!
And I don't believe that Gee has just forgotten about her, he seemed to love her way too much to just do that!
I'm also kind of beginning to like Grey, although, I feel sorry for him. There's no way he can match up to Gerard, in our eyes or Viola's.


Author's response

Yay! another Gray fan! I swear, it's I believe the first original character I'm drooling over...K, him and Edward Cullen but I didn't invent Edward so technically Gray is the first.

Honestly, I dunno why everyone's so surprised about her parents not showing up. I think I just have a different perspective on parents, but they're people too and people can be really cruel even if they are parents.