Review for Remember Tomorrow.

Remember Tomorrow.

(#) _cranium_ 2008-09-05

cliffhanger after cliffhanger. pft.
but oohhhh who is it? don't give me any shit about how it's just another guard who's seen her on the ward, nahh, it's someone else right? am i right? is it ray? bob? an old teacher?
and these kiddie paintings.. hm... mayber her maternal slut got knocked up by mr.way, which caused both couples to split up and move to the west coast or something, and that's why they haven't been to see her. OR maybe gerard and diana got all serious and got a kid, but gerard still hasn't forgotten about viola and wants to keep in touch with her by sending her his kid's drawing. wait, that would be sorta cruel.
so no one's been visiting her, at all? no one at all during three long years? what about her brother alex, where is he?

Author's response

Maybe her brother adopted or something, I dunno, but I refuse to think Gerard is that cruel to send her drawings of his kid...But maybe it wasn't like that, maybe they separated as friends but how come he never writes or visits.
You know, speculating like this is fun, even thought I know the real reason and you're not evil laugh but I just realized how much speculation I put you guys through and I'm sorry even though you and Jacob are so awesome at this.
Tell him I said Hi, and that Serj misses him like crazy.
It's getting ridiculous, all he ever does is draw little hearts, writing Jacob's name in them.