Review for Deadlines


(#) lacerationgravityxxx 2008-09-08

wow another great update! there must be so much going through your mind when you are thinking about and writing this. so many little pieces. i understand that it is hard to get everything in there but you are doing a great job at portraying the characters. but as long as you remember, a story can be as long as you want it (within reason i guess) but there is no hurry. (not that you are hurrying, you are at perfect pace) but i know that feeling that you want all your ideas out there as quick as possible. it's quite mad isn't it?!

anyway thank you for updating. so pleased Bob and Jill have made first base!! interesting to see what is going on in Gerard's life with his woman.

oh and i loved the last part with Frankie and Jill!


Author's response

Thank you SO much and i love your advice. My head is just full of ideas to the point i have notes all over the place - bit sad really.

I so wanted them to kiss but i held back for so long and i was worried trying to put it into words.

I must stop putting in little side stories or this will be a monster but Gerard is just too interesting to ignore and it does have an impact on the story.

Again i just can't help writing Frank bits, no fun without Frankie :)