Review for My Famous Life

My Famous Life

(#) Moonshyne 2008-10-23

Hi there disturbed,

It seems Gee has someone on his side. While poor Bob is left in the lurches.

I'm glad she's staying and it seems she want's to work it out with Gerard. I'm resigned to fact that she's goint to end up with Gerard. :(
Poor Bob.

Oh well but for some reason it's heartbreaking for me to read this sometimes I don't know why I'm rooting for Bob so much. Except every story I read with a Bob and Gee triangle Gee always gets the girl and Bob ends up being a jerk.

I was hoping this was different.

Oh well I still love it and will review it faithfully.

Author's response

Why does everyone think that she's gonna end up with gerard??
Argh lol
I mean pretend that you did not read that haha