Review for Smile for the Paparazzi

Smile for the Paparazzi

(#) xoconverse 2008-11-17

first off, i hope New York is good. I hope your job is good. the 12-14 hour days sound shitty, and may your dog rest in peace. Poor puppy. Also, get better! flu sucks...

second, that chapter was awesome! i loved it!
gabe was so sweet!
“If by ‘make’ you mean order it, pay the delivery guy and dump it on a plate, then yes.”
and funny! hahaha
the ring was very pretty.
& the marshmallows! hahaha that was an amazing chapter(: great update!

hope you feel better!
hey itsmejessica! my concert went better than expected... i had early entry tickets but zach ended up giving us a meet and greet which was amazing. then i was at the barricades for the whole concert and i was freaking out. it was my first time seeing them and it was awesome. really had a good time. they did a great job.

aww your fiance is so awesome! seriously, that was really sweet of him. and i hope he is okay in iraq.

hahaha i went all fan girly!
how did your concert go? i hope well!

anyway, congratulations! i saw your rings and they are really gorgeous! man your fiance seems awesome... getting you panic tickets, picking out pretty rings... lol

end of the longest review ever... sorry!