Review for Gerard Way's Diary

Gerard Way's Diary

(#) Emo_musik_chick 2008-12-06


I wanted to review every chapter and tell you how EFFING BRILLIANT each one was, but then I was just too anxious to get to the next one and I didn't.

That was frickennnnn amazing. DEADLY SERIOUS. NEVER have I read a story so entertaining, hilarious or capable of holding my attention for long periods of time. But this bloody freaking rocked.

I am now going to click your username like nobody's business and read every other story you have.

XoxO, Albi

Author's response

AHAHAHAHA! I was waiting for you to finish, I figured it wouldn't take you long.

This review was perfect, thanks so so much. You'll be pleased to know that I have just started the sequal to Gerard Way's Diary - if you clicked on my user name, you've probably already discovered it. XD

Also, just a heads up in case you don't want to read them all. "Californication" has been doing very well and you don't have to have seen the show :)

This coment seriously kicked ass, I'm glad you liked it. If you read the rest of my stories then I hope you like them just as much xx