Review for Nobody Cares If We're Losing Ourselves

Nobody Cares If We're Losing Ourselves

(#) Fantasy_Fairy 2008-12-13

OK,reminds me a little of "eaky Friday". I like the twist with the missing Gerard [perhaps in Jamie's body]. I'm thinking it is something to do with the swapping of the phone number, or that tingle that shot up Jamie's arm? I thought it was a "spark", but could it be something more meaningful? Destiny!?!
What is happening, where is Gerard, who is Jamie goign to get with [let's face it - its what the readers want! lol] Where is I also love Bob for still visiting Jamie/Gerard in prison. Bless him.

But more importantly, why was Gerard flirting/handing out his number, whn he was married!??!

Can't wait 'till the next update xD