Review for Mind Games

Mind Games

(#) Jessi_Girl9 2006-08-21

oh, hey, i know this is the third review, but i have an idea for your story... it's kinda random but it came to me today while i was baking cookies and thinking of your story...

ok, the next chapter can start out the Saturday after the field hockey tryouts, they're still waiting on the list to see who made the team blah blah blah, and it's Athena's day off and Theresa wakes up early and decides to make cookies, Jay also wakes up early, and comes down, sees her, and she teaches him how to bakje cookies, and then after the cookies are baked, they have a "moment" or something until Herry spoils it from waking up to the smell of the cookies, comes down and eats some...

lol i know it's kinda random, but it's a start, and it seems perfect for your story, i hope it helps at all!

Author's response

lol I love anything random. and that is an awesome idea, which I'll definitely keep in mind. And just ecause you're such a faithful little reviewer (which I love XD) I'll give you a sneak peek of chappie eight (cuz I have writer's block XP). So here goes: Starts out right where chappie seven left off, on the field. Robin gives a little background info on Theresa, Felicity gets her ass handed to her on the field, Theresa and Jay go shopping for party clothes (party's on Saturday remember), while Archie and Atlanta go out on their date. Probably gonna end somewhere around nighttime when Theresa starts her special midnight training.

But yeah...totally loving the cookie idea. lol I can just see Herry walking in, all clueless and eating cookies while Theresa gives him this 'you idiot' look. Hmm maybe I'll add in some random Robin/Herry goodness too. Anyways...this is getting suuuper long so. I'll stop now. Thanks again for the idea, and review as much as you like, lol. I love feedback.