Review for I Was Born To Tell You I Love You.

I Was Born To Tell You I Love You.

(#) Ragamuffin 2008-12-25

Incredible update. I just love reading Jay's inner monologue. Even though I can't relate to his inner turmoil, I still feel like I can sympathize with him.

It's odd, thinking about the contrast between Jay and Thomas. Jay was in class, crying while everyone was oblivious to it (fortunately) while Thomas was probably having a normal day, having completely forgotten about running into Jay. It's amazing how he has no idea of the extent of the influence he has on this kid that he's never even noticed.

Jay's increasing frustration has me worried. If something doesn't change soon, for the better, I'm afraid of what will happen. He's self-destructing, and no one is noticing. Maybe someone will. Or maybe not...maybe it has to get worse before it gets better.

Anyway, I loved the update. :D You have a unique style of writing that I'm addicted to. I can't wait for more. ^_^