Review for Getting My Baby Back

Getting My Baby Back

(#) doyleangel 2009-02-04

I was so confused when i read the previous chapter, but it all makes sense now. That was an awesome couple of chapters...I love Gee but I want Bob to be happy..I think Bob should get the girl...i don't know, thats just me...but i like her and Gee too...ggrrr

Author's response

Hi there doyleangel,

I hate that I haven't responded but I honestly did not know there was a review. My deepest apologies.

I know FicWad messed up, I tried to move it down and it said I couldn't. Maybe I'll try again.

Thanks for thinking that they were awesome I really love reading that. Yes who should she end up with the man she always loved or the man who fathered her baby and loves her despite what she did to him.

We'll just have to find out.