Review for 1991


(#) Fantasy_Fairy 2009-03-02

Oh my god! Party of the year! Gerard and Amanda are going to get totally high...and wasted.. and totally have drunken sex on the dining room table! Like, totally!
Sounds like fun.
Can't wait to see what happens at the par-tay.
Gerard and Amanda seem to be more comfortable around each other now - or should i say Gee and Manda? I'm surprised that Amanda wasn't branded an outcast for liking Gerard, but anyway.
I wonder who posted those flyers.. Maybe it was pre-planned by the original Amanda? And are Amanda's parents just going to allow this party or...what?

So yeah, good update albeit a little short.
More soon! :D

Author's response

i always love your reviews, because theyre always thoughtful and make me think/smile/give me ideas. i love you :D
you will just have to wait about who put out the fliers and what her parents do... and what will happen at the party, if that ever happens. sorry to disappoint you, but i dont think theyll be having drunken sex on the dining room table ;)
and, i know it was short... i was forced to wrap it up :(