Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > 1991


by wheresyourheart 9 reviews

I didn't plan no party!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance,Sci-fi - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2009-03-02 - Updated: 2009-04-12 - 1041 words

The next day in school, I passed Gerard in the hall on the way to the bathroom. It was second period and I was just looking for an escape from English class; this was the best escape possible.

Smiling as we approached eachother, I asked, "Where are you off to?"

Gerard answered, "I just got called to the office. Dunno why."

"Ohh." I paused and started walking along with him. "Your mom hates me."

"No she doesn't," Gerard said, trying to make me feel better, but I could see right through his fake reassuring tone.

"What a liar, you are," I said, shaking my head and pursing my lips.

"Yeah, for some reason she doesn't like you too much," he told me truthfully.

Sighing, I said, "A lot of people don't like me for some reason." We were quiet. "I guess I used to be a bad person or something."

"No..." he said in that fake reassuring tone again.

"More like yes," I replied. "I don't know the stuff I did... but I know I'm way different than the Amanda everyone knew last year at this time."

Gerard tilted his head, listening.

A middle-aged woman with short gray hair and a red cat sweater rounded the corner, "Get to class," she snapped, then continued walking.

I bit the inside of my cheek, "I guess I'll see you later, then," I said.

Nodding slowly he said, "Yeah, seeya."

I started to turn back toward English class (I'd definetly gone over the limited time of five minutes), when Gerard linked his fingers in mine, "And yes, you've changed so much..." he spoke, "I wish everyone could see how amazing you've become. It's like you're a completely different person. Like you switched bodies with someone."

We looked at eachother and I tried not to laugh at the irony. If only you knew, I thought. Unsure of what to say, I nodded and kissed him lightly on the cheek. "I should get back to class."

"Yeah, I should get going to, I guess..." he said. Looking at eachother for five seconds longer, he said, "Bye," and we went our seperate ways.


"No way, Amanda, you didn't tell me you were having a party tonight!" One of the girls that I recognized from the first day of school morning reunion said to me in excitement.

I furrowed my brow and said, "Huh?" as I searched for Gerard in the crowded cafeteria.

He came up next to me with his lunch tray as the girl said, "Hellloooo, the party of the year!"

I shook my head and gave a confused look.

"Don't act so modest! Look!" she said, pulling out a bright green flyer from her bag. Reading it over, I saw that the address was my house, and the date was tonight.

"Well everyone is totally pumped," she said, voice squeeking, "See you tonight then!" Off she pranced, to a table overflowing with jocks and cheerleaders.

I was still wearing the confused expression when Gerard asked, "You didn't tell me you were having a party."

I started walking to an empty table and said, "Yeah, because I didn't know I was having one."

"Oh. Are you still going, though?"

I shrugged. "Well I guess I have to, it's at my house."

"Is there going to be like, drinking?"

Again I shrugged, "Probably... it's a high school 'party of the year' after all... why?"

"Just wondering," he said quickly.

"You drink," I said, meaning it as a question, but coming out as a statement.

It was his turn to shrug, "Eh. A little."

I nodded knowingly. "I assume you're coming, then."

"Maybe," he said, smiling. I could tell he was excited.

"Ohmigod!" a voice shrieked behind me. I turned to look at a girl wearing a bright pink skirt and sweater combo. "Tonight's the night," she sang.

"Yup," I said flatly, uninterested in continuing a conversation with her.

But she sat down next to me. "Hey, Gerard," she said nicely, then turned her attention back to me, "So Jake's still getting the booze, right?"

"Uh," I looked around, "Sure."

Smiling brightly she said, "Oh man, this party's going to be the bomb!" She tucked her hair behind her ear and asked seriously, "So how are things with the stepmom?"

"Fine," I told her.

She nodded, "It took me a while to get used to it, too... but once you do you're going to love her, trust me."

I looked at Gerard from the corner of my eye, who was pulling out something from his bag--- a sketchbook and pencil.

"So... what are you wearing tonight?" she questioned.

"Um..." I thought.

"You totally don't know. We should so go shopping right after school!" She exclaimed, nearly jumping off her seat.

She seemed so happy and excited, and much friendlier than many people, so I had to say yes. "Alright, sure. I could use some new clothes anyway."

Breathing in sharply she said, "Yay! Look... I have to get going but let's meet out by the flag after last period, 'kay?"

"Sure," I replied, but she was already out of her seat and dancing out the lunchroom.

Gerard glanced at me from above his sketchbook and I said, "That was wierd."

"I thought you were best friends with Tracey Morgan?"

I laughed, "Like the comedian?" It was funny that she had the same name as a middle-aged black man (although, he's probably, like, thirty right now).

"Um...?" Gerard seemed confused.

Changing the subject, I said, "So, Tracey... is she... nice?"

"A lot nicer than most of the in-crowd," he told me, sticking out his tounge slightly as he focused on his drawing.

"What are you drawing?" I wondered, trying to peek at his work.

Pulling the half-drawn picture to his chest, he said, "You have to wait until it's finished to see it," and smiled in a sly way.

I gave an exaggerated sigh, "Come on, Gee!"

"Giving me a cute nickname won't change my mind," he said, leaning in closer to me. "Besides, lunch is over in... one minute."

As he began to stuff his things back in his bag, I gave him a pathetic frown.

Laughing, he said, "That kind of stuff won't work on me, 'Manda."
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