Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > 1991


by wheresyourheart 5 reviews

still at amanda's house...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance,Sci-fi - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2009-02-20 - Updated: 2009-02-21 - 1014 words

On my walk to investigate the ringing doorbell, I was beginning to regret my decision to tell Gerard--- well, start telling him. I mean, I wanted to tell someone more then anything. But I wanted Gerard more than anything. And this little future thing would probably scare him off.

I approached the front door and looked outside the long window that was next to the door. A brown package sat by itself on the doormat, so I opened the door and picked up the wrapped brown box. It had my brother's name on it.

Sighing, I shut the door behind me and walked to the living room. I set the package on the coffee table and sat on the couch, leaning my head in my hands and rubbing my eyes.

"Everything alright?" said Gerard from the doorway.

I looked up and nodded.

"Okay," he said, making his way to the couch. "So what was it that you wanted to tell me?"

"Um..." I looked everywhere but at him. Unable to think up an excuse, I said, "I forgot."

The look he gave me told me that he knew I was lying, but he didn't say anything. I slid closer to him on the couch until our thighs touched. A tingle surged through my body. I looked at him. Our noses were inches from touching. I placed my left hand on his cheek, "I love your eyes," I whispered.

"You're so amazing," he whispered to me. I shivered as he kissed me lightly on the lips. I smiled as he continued with the light kisses.

Pushing him down so that I was laying above him on the couch, I ran my hand through his hair and we began making out. His kisses were so sweet, like nothing I'd experienced before.

After a few minutes, we lay there, listening to eachother breathe. I was laying on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

"If you could have any superpower, what would you have?" I asked Gerard. I had been thinking about how much he likes comics and trying to think of what superpower I would want.

He was quiet, thinking. "Probably... time travel. That would be cool."

Before even processing his answer, I turned my head to look at him and gave him a fearful expression. I couldn't help but wonder if somehow he knew, because of this and earlier... "I'd believe anything you say. Even if you tell me you're from the future or something." It was freaking me out a bit.

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing," I replied right away. We stared at eachother until I nervously broke eye contact. The phone began to ring.

I looked around the room, trying to find it... I hadn't actually used the phone at this house yet, so I had no clue where it was.

"I'll be right back," I told Gerard, getting up. I searched the countertop and the table, and by the time I had found it hanging on the wall, it had gone to answering machine.

"Hello, this is Donna Way, just looking for Gerard---"

"Hello?" I answered. Oh man. I'm talking to Gerard's mom.

"Oh hi, is Gerard there?" she asked nicely.

"Yes, here he is," I replied, handing Gerard the phone. He was standing next to me because he'd heard his mom's voice on the answering machine and came in.

"Hi mom," he said into the phone, smiling at me. I walked to the fridge and pulled out a bottled water. The clock read 4:12, the time really had flied by.

"Um... yeah I guess that's fine. I don't really have any homework... Alright... I'll be ready... Bye."

As I took another sip from my water, Gerard hung the phone back up and said, "My mom's on her way to pick me up."

Disappointed, I said, "Oh. Okay." I was upset that the time had gone by so fast.

"I'll be right back, I should probably go get my bag." I nodded in reply.

Leaning on the counter, I played with the lable on the Poland Spring bottle. It was a really wierd bottle compared to the one in 2009.

Gerard appeared back in the doorway, sat down at the kitchen table. I yawned.

"What are you doing this weekend?" he asked, making conversation.

Playing with the bottle cap, I told him, "I don't know. Probably sitting around and playing guitar." Then something hit me, "Wait."

"What?" he asked.

I hadn't meant to say the last part out loud--- It was mostly because I was realizing that Amanda didn't have a guitar, so my usual weekend plans (as Casey) weren't going to work out.

"Nothing," I said, "I don't know why I said that. Anyway, we should make plans this weekend if you're not busy."

Nodding and smiling, Gerard said, "Of course."

The doorbell rang for the second time today. "I guess my mom's here already," he said, annoyed. He stood from his chair, grabbed his bag, and walked to the door, opened it.

"Hi, mom," he said.

"Hi," she stood surveying what she could see of the house from where she stood, finishing with her eyes on me, "You must be Amanda."

I must say that I didn't hear any tones of happiness or endearment in that last sentance she'd spoken.

"Yes, nice to meet you Mrs. Way," I smiled politely, extending my right hand. She shook it politely.

"Your parents here?" she asked.

Shaking my head, I said, "My dad's working and my mom's at the store with my brother."


I bit my lip and looked at Gerard, who was staring his mom down.

"Well we should get going, I have to pick Mikey up at Grandma's house," Donna Way said to Gerard.

"See you tomorrow," Gerard told me, giving me a closed-mouthed smile. My heart leapt, and if his mother wasn't standing right there, I would just have to kiss him.

"Bye." The two Ways began to walk down the front steps. I stood in the doorway and waved out. The waved back, I shut the door and watched them drive off.
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