Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > 1991

I Wish I Could Tell You Everything

by wheresyourheart 11 reviews

But I don't think you'd believe me.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [!!!] [?] - Published: 2009-02-11 - Updated: 2009-02-15 - 831 words

The thing that freaked me out about my (future) dad catching me kissing a boy was the fact that he was my father, whether or not he knew that. I wiped the fearful expression from my face and, politely as possible, asked, "How the hell did you get into my house?"

I mean, come on. You had to admit this was odd... Gerard and I were home alone, doors locked, and bursting through the back door comes Harvey Stone, who Amanda isn't even really supposed to know. He sure had a hard time remembering her when I'd gotten a ride with him and his girlfriend... Jess? That was her name. Jess.

"Um..." Looking back and forth at Gerard and me awkwardly, he said, "Can I talk to you, Amanda?"

"Uh..." I glanced at Gerard and shrugged. "Be right back?"

Gerard nodded, one up and one down, then turned away from me.

I put my feet onto the warm cement and stood, brushing off my butt for any dirt, then walked toward my dad. Harvey, I mean. He motioned for me to go inside, so I cautiously followed. We went into the kitchen and stopped. I stood leant up against the counter. "So..."

"What's up with you and that guy?" He asked jealously.

"Well... I don't know. I think we're dating but not officially."

Giving me a pissy look, he asked, "What?" as if he hadn't heard correctly.

"I said we're together."

Harvey sighed, "Why do you play games with me, Amanda?"

I gave him a blank look in reply. "What are you doing here, anyway?" I asked. It was my turn to question.

"You know..." he gave me a smirk, "You know what we do on Thursdays..." Walking toward me, he brushed his right hand through his hair.

"Could you, I don't know, refresh my memory?" I was freaking out, afraid of what came next. I had been expected an answer--- with words--- instead I got his lips to mine, and his toungue down my throat before I could process what the hell was happening.

I immediatly pulled away, shoving him a few feet from me and turning to the sink, spitting and wiping my mouth.

"Why--- wha?" he stammered.

Feeling neasous, I turned, but couldn't even look at him. "Seriously, what the fuck?" I exclaimed, disgusted.

"You didn't mind last Thursday when we were doin' it on your couch..."

I gaped at him. "I'm going to be sick," I mumbled, running to the bathroom. I shut the door behind me, locked it, and sat against the wall opposite of the toilet. I would give anything for Rochelle to be sitting in here next to me--- I would give anything for anyone to be sitting in here next to me. Someone to talk to about what was going on.

A few minutes passed before I heard a worried voice on the other side of the door, "Can I come in?"

I stood and unlocked the door, Gerard entered. I slid down the wall until I was seated again. "Is he gone?" I asked.

"I think so," Gerard said. "What did he want, anyway? You seem pretty upset."

I shook my head, took a deep breath, "I wish I could tell you everything," pausing to look at him, I bit my lip and looked down into my lap, "But it's complicated... I wouldn't even know where to begin. And I don't even know if you'd believe me."

There was a short silence, "You can tell me." More silence. "But you don't have to."

I shrugged, "You'll think I belong in a mental institution or something if I told you the story." Beginning to laugh from nervous tension, I looked at him. He was staring at the wall ahead.

Turning his head at me, he told me, "I'd believe anything you say. Even if you tell me you're from the future or something."

On came more nervous laughter. I couldn't stop. How could he have guessed? "Really?"

"Well, yeah," he said, genuinely.

I thought for a second, playing with my earlobe. "If I told you the story... would you promise to not be wierded out? I don't want anything to change between us..."

"You don't ever have to worry about that," Gerard said, grasping my left hand in both of his. We made eye contact. I wasn't used to confiding in a person that I'd known for, like, three days, but then again, I wasn't used to being Amanda Matthews.

I took in his face, "Your sure?"

Nodding, he said, "If it's what you want."

We sat in the soundless room as I got the nerve up to spill it all out. "I'm not really Amanda Matthews," I finally uttered.

Gerard smiled at me in a confused way, "What does that mean?"

"Just a few days ago, I was Ca---" Ding.

Damn doorbell.

Avoiding his gaze, I stood and left a puzzled Gerard sitting on the white tiled floor of the bathroom.
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