Review for 1991


(#) whitereflections12 2009-03-12

Hey, me being as new to ficwad as I am, I didn't know it wouldn't tell you people had replied to your comments(is to used to, so, I just read your reply now...

Thanks so much, things have just been so rough lately. :/

And I can only imagine how scary that would be, seeing your dog run out in the street and get hit...and that stupid lady!! I just don't understand some people...

At least she was alright though.

and aww a pug/terrier mix...I've never seen one, but that sounds so cute. :D

Evie was a Golden retriever/hound/terrier/who knows what else mix, lol I think she had a little bit of almost everything in her...

I wasn't home when Evie got hit, I was at school, but I only had two classes that morning, and I came home and my parents said they had gotten a call like, 30 minutes after I had left that morning and these guys had found her in the road right out in front of our house, and that they had gotten there right after she was hit and she had died instantly...she was only 3 years old, which makes it suck even more...

it's just...I mean, I miss her like crazy, but my other dog, she just doesn't understand at all, she has no idea what happened and why Evie's not there and it sucks that I can't...'fix' that for her. X.X

and I know I'm rambling, sorry, lol

Author's response

Man that fucking SUCKS about Evie. I'm really sorry. Atleast she didn't suffer. Poor other doggie :(
And yeah, it was pretty scary seeing Bella... it was like, a sick burst of... aw, what's the word. where um. you get the burst of energy. im retarted so i can't think of the word. of course it helps when everyone in my house is like screaming because a gas station got robbed. wow.
alriiiiight i'm done now.