Review for Searching for the Power

Searching for the Power

(#) Ryudo3 2009-03-16

Love the update. I'm glad to see Harry and tonks or going to try a relationship. Honestly I wasn't really surprise with harry and Emma. I more then thought it was a little more comic and to the scene to show that harry still is not all that perfect.

I think Ginny would have sometime to be with harry on weekends. And if his relationship works out with tonks who to know that we might not see scene with Harry/Hermione/Emma(Tonks).

Glad to hear your daughter is doing good. Can't wait for the next chapter.

Author's response

I was going for funny not necessarily steamy. Glad you picked up on it, and I didn't say I surprised everyone, just glad to know that I got a few people with that one. More surprises in store for the future.

Ginny will have time, but half the girls Harry dates would want a real relationship which relegeates the other girls to each other. Not that Gin, Mione, and Susan would complain much, and Tonks might be along for the ride as well.

And a willing metamorphmagus with permission to clone someone will or lots of fun. Mostly with two Ginny or Hermione's but if tonks simply straightened Mione's hair it would be close enough.

But no, Tonks probably would need permission to do something like that. It's one thing to impersonate a criminal, its another to basically polyjuice yourself into another woman...