Review for 1991


(#) lovetah 2009-03-17

aw that's too bad that stephen couldn't go with you, oh well... but maybe you guys can go on a... date sometime? so you can find out if he really likes you more than a friend.. or just hang out or something.. yeah, go to a movie and then get a coffee or something - then you have something to talk about if the situation gets kinda weird or if you run out of things to say... which is really awkward! haha anyway.. it can't hurt to try :)
yeah yeah sex is what all boys need :DD

ohhh mikey! young mikey!! tiny mikey! ok that was weird.. haha i can't wait to see what he is like :) either he's a great younger brother or he's really annoying ;)

ohoh..... casey told ray her real name... that ought to cause some confusion....

i wonder how casey/amanda (i never know what to call her!) and gerards relationship will go on and develop..... and when his drinking will start to really become a problem.. and when he starts takign drugs too.. and i can't wait for FRANK!! haha

oh and what kinda confuses me is.. wasn't jake really mean to amanda/casey at the beginning of the story? well he's nicer now... which is a good thing... maybe it's because the old amanda was a real bitch and the new amanda is easier to get along with....

okay i'll stop talking/writing now haha

update soon!!!!!! :)