Review for Push- Chapter 9 up

Push- Chapter 9 up

(#) izziebella 2009-03-21

Oh…I’m sorry that I didn’t review, but I have some time now that I’m gonna be in a car for the next 12-15 hours :)

Okay so first of all, when the last chapter ended Frankie left her, and now she’s trying to get to the Way’s house, but she doesn’t know where it is…Until she see’s Ray’s car.

Holy shit I was so scared that when she was jumping out the window that she was going to hurt herself even worse. I mean jumping out a window is one thing, but doing It after you’ve been beaten horribly is…wow. So, I was relieved that she made it down okay.

“/I’ve gone nearly the length of five football fields/”

Damn! The whole time that I’m reading this, I’m getting really nervous that she’s going to pass out and nobody is going to be able to help her until it’s too late. But it all ends up okay, well kind of anyways, so that’s good.

I really was kind of surprised at Gerard in this chap because he really took control when Evangeline was pretty much passed out on his doorway. I thought that was really interesting because so far in this story he’s been kind of quiet, you know?

And wow, I could totally see the expressions on their faces when they thought that Evangeline said that Frankie abused her, ‘cause I mean, no one would think that Frankie would be the one to do that. But he didn’t and I’m glad that got cleared up.

Lol, none of them can cook that well. Well It will be interesting to see what they come up with.

Well, I’m off to read the next chap!
