Review for Congratulations! Fanfic Authors Are Stupid After All

Congratulations! Fanfic Authors Are Stupid After All

(#) shehadtheworld12 2009-05-22

Writing is what we all do. I love all the authors here and I'm truly dissapointed that someone could actually say that about the MCRMY when the front man himself is a writer. I agree, she doesn't sound like a true friend. and true mcr fans sure as hell don't do that. We express ourselves freely because we're inspired by the man himself and the most incredible band behind him. By reading the reviews obviously we all agree. I'm glad to see that no one else really believes that. I write because it's truly helps me break free from the world for just a cool minute. Without writing I would not be the person i am right now. Thank you for doing this. You inspire skittlecake!!! I love ya.

And P.S Moo-Moo says hi. [my new kittnen] yes he is a kitten! my prayers have been answered!!!!