wows, ive always loved this story, its been great from the begining.
it kept me on edge most of the time . it wasn't in your face, and it was very well written :D
But you nearly gave me a heart attack when i read this is the end, i was shocked and sad :O
you really shouldnt scare people like this, lol
anyways cant wait for the continual, it will be great, Thank youu for writing a good decent story!
xoxox Holly
Author's response
Thank you, I'm glad it kept you on edge it meant I was doing it right as that was the desired effect.
Lol a heartattack? anotehr desired effect but you have my apologies.
Its on its way I'm having a battle of ideas at the moment trying to see if I can fit them ALL in.
Thanks for appreciating a decent story. I hope the next one is too your liking.
Reign xx