Review for The adventures of FRERARD and CO.

The adventures of FRERARD and CO.

(#) E-JayLovesGerard 2009-06-14

skittles and jelly beans, skittles and jelly beans, skittles and jelly beans, skittles and jelly beans!!!!!!!!!!

Can i have some? PWEASE?!?!?!?!!?!?

hahaha! im BACK AGAIN!

xox E

Author's response

maaaaybe =] dpends if i feel nice enough...and wether you will go utterly insane from consuming so much sugaaar :D

we coudl have a fucking rave with jelly beans and skittles XD yeeeaaaah

poor gerard indeed...fwankie messes with his head taps head


xoxo Lottie oxox