Review for A little piece of heaven is always followed by little piece of hell

A little piece of heaven is always followed by little piece of hell

(#) nadialexandra 2009-06-24

Oh, I'm liking this. A lot.

Now, I need to know. Is this based on the song? Because I was just working on a story based on it. It's a Mikey/Frank pairing, because I figured Frank would be most likely to kill Mikey in a fit of rage; and Mikey would be best to come back from the dead. Anyways, enough about my story. I just wanted to know, so I wouldn't feel awkward about writing something similar.

Update soon, please! [:

Author's response

heyy. its not based on a song so your ok about that. its just something that popped into my head XD
thanks for the reveiw XD i will try to update soon XD