Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A little piece of heaven is always followed by little piece of hell

A little piece of heaven is always followed by little piece of hell

by avengedromance 3 reviews

Its always the same old story. Something good happens in life then before long it is followed by the bad. Sometimes it will seem like the bad will never happen but it always does. There is always s...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2009-06-24 - Updated: 2009-06-24 - 262 words

A N heyy this story may start a bit slow with short chapters but i promise it will get better enjoy

A little piece of heaven is always followed by a little piece of hell

Its always the same old story. Something good happens in life then before long it is followed by the bad. Sometimes it will seem like the bad will never happen but it always does. There is always something. Unfortunatly I had to learn this the hard way. So you will proberly want to know a bit about me. Well my names Fank and im 16. I live... well i cant really say where because i dont have a home. You see when i was 11 i ran away from home. I ran as far away as i could possibly go and then a little further. what could possibly be so bad that an 11 year old boy has to run you may be asking. the answer is simple. There were two options.
1-run as far as i could and try to make it on the streets
2-try to survive at the house but proberly end up dead

Option one sounded the safest to me. It was much more likley that I would survive on the cold streets than in that place. A place that is constantly filled with fear. A place where you dont ever feel safe, not for a moment. The atmosphere was suffocating. The happiest time of most peoples lives became the worst of mine.

Please rate and reveiw. it will make me want to update XD
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