Review for Auditions?


(#) lostmymindxx45 2009-07-06

Name- Caroline

Age- 15

Disorder- Talks to yourself, but not in a total insane way. Thinks of things on a darker note, and is a little depressed. Put in for cutting. Likes to mentally kill people. has an inner self, named Christopher Cirrus. He's all the darkness inside, which is why you're so depressed. you believe no one understands you and would understand the REAL DARK YOU.

Since when?- 13 years old.

partner- Frank Iero, or Gerard Way.

Looks- Tall, and slim. Not a stick, but not overweight. Brown dark hair. Layered and goes to shoulders. kinda punky. Original bangs. sorta in eyes. Looks kinda dead alot, but thats because she doesn't really like to show emotions when they're not needed. light brown eyes. always looks like shes not "there". Pretty girl, but not "hot" or "sexy".

Interests- Punk music. Alternative music. Thinking/dreaming. She likes to talk to her "friends" Rico and Death. She made them up when she was 13. Rico is a ghost who is her bff and he's British. Death is, well he's Death! SHe likes to read alot, usually funny books (christopher moore is favorite author)

Additional Info- always sticks up for what she believes. doesn't take anyones shit. doesn't follow trends nor mainstream music. doesn't like rude people (example- use excuse me or please, or she hates you) doesn't like people who are cruel to others because they are different. she's usually the outcast, even in a group of outcasts. is happy though, and can make people laugh. has a good heart and is always nice (unless you're mean to her or others)