Review for Parents Suck. Again.

Parents Suck. Again.

(#) _Amy_Revenge_ 2009-07-14

I totally get you! My mom used to hate them so much, but after a while she started liking their music. Sure, she didn't like the cussing-face it, as much as parents USE it, they don't like OTHERS using it- but she got over that after I told her how much they helped-at first, anyway.

I used to be so totally obsessed with Gerard and the rest of the guys, I decorated the entire front half of my dresser with lyrics and stuff that they came up with. Mom didn't like it, but meh. They never do.

I really don't even know if I have a point to write this, but whatever. At least I got it out of my system and shyt. But think on this: parents, no matter how dumb or retarded they act sometimes, always know what's best for their kids. And usually what's best, we don't wanna hear. My mom told me for the longest time how listening to depressing "emo" music would make me depressed, and what do you know-listening to The Used and MCR totally made me realize how f^cked up the world is, and ultimately, I got depressed. Because everything the guys sing about, and everything they're against, is depressing. But it's the truth.

And now, I think I have a moral to this story: Parents just want to protect their children. They want them to always depend on them, no matter how many times they say "Why don't you get a life" or "You make me tired" or whatever. Most of the time they're actually saying "I love you, and I don't want you to ever be sad."

I don't know if any of this makes sense to you, or anybody else, but it makes a whole lot of sense to me. I stopped listening to MCR for my entire freshman year, and I was the happiest I'd ever been in my entire 16(almost) years of life. It was amazing.


Author's response

See, my mom doesn't listen to, or try to respect or appreciate anything that isn't on the radio station she listens to that plays the same fifty songs over and over. Haha, I'm not allowed to decorate my room with their stuff. I used to have pictures of them on the back of my door and she made me take them down.

I totally get what you are saying,but I take what I learn from the music and say, "Fuck it. The world sucks. I'll try and change that, or at least a little bit." I take the truth as a challange, rather than something to get upset over.

Also, I get what you are saying about parents, however that is kind of tainted for me. Because when she's saying that stuff, it's not what's really best for me. It's what's best for her to use for the kid she wishes that I was. I agree that she doesn't want me to be sad, but sometimes I think thats more because she's afraid that I'll become a depressed freak. I don't know, I just don't think she has the best intrests for me. I think they're more for her...but whatever. I do understand where you're coming from though. I'm glad you said it.