I remember when the black parade came out, how often that song played on the radio and on tv, and how all my friends hated it. i said i hated it too, just to fit in, but truthfully, i loved it.
i had always been slightly morbid and different, but tried to hide it from everyone, cos i wanted to fit in. it wasn't like i was popular or an outcast, i was just somewhere in the middle, but fighting to stay there. i was smart, but i tried to hide it so i wouldn't be a geek. i felt like life was a facade and that i was hiding myself. i became anorexic and depressed, quite badly, and my friends started hating me for it. one of them told me i was a 'horrible person' and i cut myself with a rusty old knife. it was at this point i realised that my friends shouldn't dictate my life and have such a major impact on me.
so, i began to cultivate my own personality. and it began with admitting i liked mcr.
they didn't save my life, but they enabled me to live my own life, instead of one dictated by societal norms.
i now have the opposite fashion and music tastes to my friends, and proudly get A+.
my friends have learnt to accept this, and, though they mock me mercilessly for it, they are still my friends.
i am proud of my difference, and more comfortable with myself now, and i thank mcr for being my catalyst.