Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > How Did They Save YOU- Onto the stories

How Did They Save YOU- Onto the stories

by lostmyfearoffalling 23 reviews

You wrote me. You told me how they saved you. Here's the first of many.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2009-07-21 - Updated: 2009-08-19 - 307 words

OK here's what's happening. For a while now, I've wanted to write a one-shot with little vingettes/short POV's from how MCR saved different peoples lives. Originally, I was going to make it up myself, but I like this way better. It's more honest, and it'd be real. I know how MCR saved my life, and I will use that in my story. What I want to know is if, and how, they saved you. So review, and tell me how MCR saved your life. I'll respond to all of you, I promise. And When I write the story, at the bottom, I'll credit the people that I used. Thanks. Hope you like this idea as much as me.

EDIT_ Ok, so here's the shit that's going down. I'm realllyyyyyy worried about making people upset with this. Because I don't know all of you, and I don't know every detail of your stories, even the people that wrote a LOT (hee hee whitereflections and wheresyourheart I love both of you!) I'm really afraid that I won't do your stories justice. Also, for those of you that said you used to be shallow, had issues with friends etc; I don't want to make anyone seem like a bitch or asshole, because none of you are. Even though my vingettes would just be INSPIRED by your stories, I don't want to offend anyone. So if you reviewed, or are going to review, and gave me your stories, please let me know that you are ok with me writing about you, knowing the circumstances, and that you aren't going to get all mad at me if I use your story. If you suddenly decide you don't want to take that chance, and you don't want me to use your story anymore, let me know! Thank you!

As always...xoxox Evangangeline
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