Review for Auditions


(#) Xnataliex 2009-08-09

ame (F&L please): Natalie Coughtrie lol dodgy surname but true the amount of times I’ve been called sneeze bush….

Age (16+ please): 16 now but 17 Friday so yeah, 17

Appearance (I swear to god Harper if you copy and paste your same description, I will kill you off in "Fate"!!!):
5’4 I’m like kind of chubby but not fat exactly, curvy I guess. I have like really pale skin and a lot of freckles. I’m ginger lol my hair is shoulder length with layers around my face with a side fringe/bangs whatever. I always wear jeans, all kinds of jeans. I love bright colours and childish tops with cartons on em’. I never leave the house with out make up mascara, eyeliner and foundation always.

Personality (I'm never sure what to say here:
I’m very immature. I can’t help it I can be loud and annoying also I’m quite bold and I always speak my mind. Fiery hair fiery nature lol. But I’m not a bitch though friends can always come to me. I’m always laughing at silly, mad, random things.

Favourite colour: Purple purple purple :-)

Quirks (anything that makes you you): when I do smilieys I put a dash in between for the nose coz I have a nose I’m not smiling with out a nose lol. I live in England but I’m half Scottish and half Irish, probably where I got the hair colour, all that Celtic in me lol. I prefer tea to coffee. I live in London so I love big cities. I want to go to uni in America prob in NYC

Hidden talent: Listening, I can always lend an ear close pals know that.

If you could be in/associated with a band, what would your roll be? (Tambourine? Singer? Manager? Official cook? Security?): omg I’d so be the manager. Or the bassist lol.

Favourite place to be: In oxford st. (long street full of shops)

Song that wakes you up in the morning: Sleep-MCR I usually take it’s advice lol.

Describe your favourite picture of yourself: On a boat with friends we were 12 and carefree…

What's the last thing you said that you wish you didn't say? It’s Ok. Because it was a lie…

You're stuck in a cage with a lion, do you pet it? Yep and then I’d take it back to it’s natural habitat.

Describe your favourite item of clothing (for me it's a tee-shirt from 2002 that I got when I showed dogs. It's the kind of soft that you get when it's been washed a bunch of times): I love my black hoody. It’s a boy one so it’s big and comfy 