Review for AUDITIONS!!!!


(#) chemicalpanic11 2009-08-22

Name: Sinister Robbins
Age: 13
Family situation: No relationship at all with family. They gave up on trying to like me. I just live with them.
Looks: Dark brown-black hair. Same color eyes. Punk.
Your ONE favourite outfit: My Watchmen shirt with dark black skinny jeans and a laced headband.
Personality: Very funny, nice, and hyper. Can be very intense and depressed.
Greatest Fear: SPIDERS. I fuckin hate them! I almost cried over a little one on my wall once.
An event that shaped your life: One day surfing the very depths of youtube, I came across "Llamas Without Hats". Changed the way I looked at life and humor forever.
Item you can’t live without: Music. DEFINITELY! My dad put this parental block on my computer once and it wouldn't let me watch ANY youtube videos. And my brother took my iPod and wouldn't give it back for three weeks. I went INSANE.
Anything else you want to tell me: Huge imagination. But I'm not really good at filling out these kinds of things. So sorry... But I really like my eyes and my name. :) And I love anything and everything that is punk music.