Review for AUDITIONS!!!!


(#) xx__ilovemikey__xx 2009-08-22

Name:Stazzia Sutherland
Age: 16
Family situation: live with mom, dad and little brother (12) but none of them are close. mom is closest if anything but i cant tell her anything.

Looks: bright purple hair soon to be dyed blue and is always getting dyed from black to another color then back t black, brown eyes, 5"5, bit of everything but kinda scene/emo
Your ONE favourite outfit: blue skirt, blue leopard print tights, long dress top thing and black cardigan.

Personality: very friendly, hyper sometimes, quiet and shy other times. quite shy in general but can be very loud. full of sarcasm humour and love to laugh.

Greatest Fear: spiders! i start crying and shaking if i see one. and those people that wear weird outfits like the ones in festivals where they are painted silver and pretend to stand like a statue then jump at you when you are close (it does happen!) i cant go near them.

An event that shaped your life: i was playing with this ant on the ground and then my friend was all 'you do know that thats 2 ants together dont you?' and i freaked out and then she squished them so i made a gravestone for them :D

Item you can’t live without: if it cant be technological, my jewellry: i wear like (counts) 32 bracelets and 4 necklaces at a time. otherwise my sidekick but thats a phone so it would count as technological.

Anything else you want to tell me:umm i love drawing and have bipolar disorder which basiically means i go from extreme highs to lows and it affects my personality a lot. you can look it up if you wanted to use that in your story. i used to be bullied at school. and last of all i have big issues with my weight.

if you wanna use any of my problems and you need any more info on it then add me on msn: or if you dont have msn just let me know on this review and i'll let you know anything you need to.

good luck on your story and i hope i've given you enough.

cant wait to read it :)

xoxo Stazzia