Review for AUDITIONS!!!!


(#) Christiexox 2009-08-22

Name: Christie Kathleen but friends call me CK or Chri Kat (Cry Cat) xD
Age: 15, 16 on 14th of Sept! :D
Family situation: Family is hanging in there. We love each other but there's times when we feel like we're falling part.
Looks: Curly wild long brown hair with natural golden highlights, hazel (change colours frequently), cuddly (not fat not skinny lol :) ), style? I don't have one D: I just wear whatever feels right. When I mean feels right I mean if I put it on and it feels right I wear it. xD
Your ONE favourite outfit: Acid wash ripped jeans, purple Queen (band) tee (YEUSSS.:D), red classic converse
I'm calm and mellow but at the same time very random and crazy. If that makes sense to you xD Pretty outgoing, and sarcasm is like my second language. :)

Greatest Fear: Cows. And I am actually being quite serious. I personally believe that I will be laying in a field one day and it will be about to rain and a cow will come over and sit on me and kill me. Plus they just look scary. Big creepy eyes. @.@ Don't like them. At all.
An event that shaped your life:
Item you can’t live without: My paints. I have very expensive oil paints and I use them every chance I get. I run out of canvas easily though xD
Anything else you want to tell me: Hmmm. My dad died a couple years ago and I got diagnosed with depression shortly after, and had a big speal. But now i'm alright, and it only comes every now and again. Dunno if you wanted to use that though lol, i'm perfectly fine if you want to :)

Oh, and I live in Nova Scotia, Canada. And yes, I have the stereotypical accent. xD