Review for AUDITIONS!!!!


(#) E-JayLovesGerard 2009-08-22

Name: Zacky

Age: 18. my fave number :)

Family situation: Don't talk to mother or father. Brother doesnt know me, sister is the closest thing i have :)

Looks: Long brown hair. light on top because of sun bleaching and dark underneath. I usually straighten it but if i dont, i goes in waves :(
I'm about 5'4 ish.
I'm curvy. I'm not fat, but im certainly not thin.
My style is bassically what i pick up that morning. Majority of the time, my clothes dont match but hey, im wearing them. not you.

Your ONE favourite outfit: Black jeans, purple singlet with a black work shirt over the top. My 4 and a half inch black boots and loads of make-up

Greatest Fear: Drunk men

An event that shaped your life: Umm.... probably when my dad went to jail. i grew up then. i learnt to take care of myself.

Item you can’t live without: my jewelry. i hide behind mass amount of it.

Anything else you want to tell me: *Cause I am, whatever you say I am
If I wasn't, then why would I say I am?* It's Eminem :) Fucking true.

xox E