Review for AUDITIONS!!!!


(#) Harlequingurl95 2009-08-23

name - Megz

age - 15

looks- i'm really pale with green eyes and black hair, i have my ears pierced and my nose. i'm average weight and i'm 5ft 4. i always wear jeans and skater shoes

your one favourite outfit - my black skinny jeans with a blue and black stripy tee and black waist coat with sparkly blue skater trainers and trilby hat. i wear lots of eyeliner.

family situtuion - i am an only child and i have a mom and a stepdad who hates me, so i dont talk to them much.

personality - i am quite shy bt one you get to know me i'm really cheery and bubbly. if someone makes me mad i tend to ignore them or tell them why i'm mad at them. i used to get picked on for what i wear but i fought back so they left me alone.

greatest fear - clowns, always has been since i was 5

an event that changed your life - when i sang infront of my school, i got so nervous i ended up stuttering out a few lines and ran off stage, but thats taught me to be more confident.

item you cant live without - my guitar, it was given to me when i was little and i've kept it ever since

anything else you want to tell me - am a vegetarian and i love the dark for some reason XP