Review for AUDITIONS!!!!


(#) sock_monkey 2009-08-23

Name: Erin Smith
Age: 19
Family situation: My family is my dad, my mom, my older sister, and older brother. My dad cheated on my mom and moved out of the house when i was 10 or 11. Then my mom let him move back in after he swore he had changed. But of coarse he didn't so he moved back out and then back in. It went on like that for awhile until my mom grew some brains and they got a divorce. Since then i've hated my dad and havn't spoke to him. My mom got really depressed and lost a lot of weight. She only got worse when my brother got killed in a car accident. She ended up checking herself into a mental hospital to get help. By then i was old enough to live on my own so i got an appartment. Me and my sister haven't seen or talked to eachother in a long while.
Looks: I have kind of long brown curly hair and chocolate brown eyes. I wear glasses. I'm short like 4'10 and 1/2. I'm on the chubby side. i'm very pale cause i don't really like to go outside. I don't really have a style cause i wear pretty much every thing. I go from girly to goth in a week. It just depends on how i'm feeling that day.
Your ONE favourite outfit: My one favourite outfit is a pair of straight leg jeans with a black v-neck shirt that has a rainbow heart on it and the heart has a smiley face. Then i wear a purple and white striped hoodie and a pair of grey flats.
Personality: I'm a very laid back person and usually just go with the flow of things. I'm very shy and nice to everyone unless they give me a reason not to be nice to them. On the outside i'm a very happy person but on the inside i'm verry insacure and have a very low self esteem. I'm very good at hiding my emotions. I don't judge people for anything and i have a really kind heart.

Greatest Fear: My greatest fear is being alone for the rest of my life. I'm terrified of the thought that i'll die alone without friends, family, or a special someone.
An event that shaped your life: An event that shaped my life was my first concert. It was a rock band that i can't even remember there name but i remember standing in line with my best friend and being so excited that i couldn't stand still. We went in and i had to elbow my way to the front other wise i wouldn't be able to see anything cause i am so short. Me and my friend were in front of the stage and had a blast singing and dansing along to all the bands that played. It was on of the best nights of my life.
Item you can’t live without: Hmmmmm... music or my inhaler. I have asthma really badly so i carry my inhaler with me everywhere and if i don't have it i get panic attacks. Anything else you want to tell me: I play guitar, bass, piano, french horn, and sing. I enjoy art of any type and usually you can find me doodling. I'm probably the worlds worst speller but i love to write. I have a creative mind and i'm usually day dreaming. I'm a hopless romantic and dream of a prince charming rescueing me (even though i know that wont happen).