Review for AUDITIONS!!!!


(#) mcr_girl_13 2009-08-23

Name: Maddie

Age: 16

Looks: I have blonde almost white hair just passed my shoulders with light blue streaks and its always straightened. I'm 5'4 and noraml weight. Pale cuz the sun hates me. Style is mainly skinnies, tank tops, band tees, shorts, and converse or DC's. Very rarely am i dressed girly.

Family situation: Mom and Dad together, but gonna get a divorce soon, i can tell. My mom is ok, my dad is a douche that gets drunk all the time. My little sister and i dont get along. My little brother is whiny but my favorite in the house.

Personality: Shy at first but once u get to know me, im loud and random and funny. The only people who truly hate me r the popular girls. I cuss a lot, my small group of friends r perverted XD. I can be mean and bitchy, but most of the time im nice. I dont have much common sense...

Greatest fear: Needles, heights, and spiders. and clowns.

Event that shaped my life: grandpa dying of cancer. it crushed me cuz he was my favorite person ever. showed me how u dont no what u had til its gone.

Item I cant live without: my paintings! well, not being able to paint.

Anything else: I play soccer, ummmm i think thats it, i love to paint/draw, and sing.