Review for A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

(#) charliexbrown 2009-09-13

Joe's gone after her! Alone (at the moment)! Patrick might be KILLED! Andy, you can't do that to him! And Pete and Andrea are on the run! THEY'RE WANTED PEOPLE!!! It's all kicking off ahhhhhhhhh!

Oh man, this story just keeps getting more exciting! -hyperventilates- Looking forward to the next update xD

Author's response


Joe's in love and reckless. Andy's been given the biggest ultimatum of his life and Pete is being hunted inside the home of the most feared coven of vampires in the city, with a human girl under his protection.

Can it end well? Better keep reading! ;)

Thanks for reviewing!! Glad you're still enjoying it!

Sas x