Review for Caught Up In This Web

Caught Up In This Web

(#) shehadtheworld12 2009-11-22

Well that really harshed my mellow (:

Poor Amy, I dunno whether to believe Jeremy or not, but we'll see soon? I was kinda pissed when he attempted to turn it around on Taylor, but who knows, well you do xD

I can totally under the frustration.
I love the whole concert thing, it's really cool and descriptive. You got me on a hook right about now. This cured the last bit of a hoebag headache. [yes I'm referring to it as that from now on]

It's my official crack xD

More soon woman! Visualize Puss in Boots' cute face Pleeeease? (:

Luff it.


Author's response

Ha ha that face is so cute! imagines pinching it

I'm glad you like it :) But not even I know how this is going to turn out, I'll admit that much. For all I know, my fingers could totally turn it around! But I'm not gonna worry about it right this moment xD

I'll try and write a few more chapters before the break. It just depends on how fast this gets rated :)

Luff you!