Review for Never Say Never

Never Say Never

(#) _Amy_Revenge_ 2009-11-27

Well.. I auditioned for a part and told them that my character would work for a guy as well, and they decided to go with the man -_- But anyway!

1. Hazel. They're magical eyes, though LoL When I'm real happy they're kind of green around the outside and a real light brown on the inside. When I cry they turn turqoise blue, and they're real sexy xD If it weren't for the fact that the rest of my face was red :)

2. I just got it cut, actually. It's brunette-ish blond up top, and then towards the bottom it's black because of my last dye job. It's real pretty. Short in the back, but not short enough to do spikes. It gradually gets long in the front, and goes down about halfway to my neck. That's the longest part :)

3. Hm.. Okay, I have a Super Mario mushroom shirt. If you've got a myspace, find me by typing in Amy Fluffin' Revenge. Look at my album called Washington, Betches! and I'm wearing the shirt in like, all the pictures. As for the pants, they'd be my purle skinnies.

4. Ooh, that's a hard one! Okay, uhm.. "And that, my friend, is how the cookie crumbles!" My favorite saying changes every once in a while :)

There ya go! If you have any more, well.. tweet!