Review for What will it take to show you that it's notthe life it seems?

What will it take to show you that it's notthe life it seems?

(#) Aquinelle 2011-02-12

This story could definitely go somewhere, but it's a bit short y'know? The story line is a little cliche. Well, a bit more than a little... But still, most stories are, and theres still tons of time to un-cliche it. Which you could definately do 'cos judging by you're last fic, you're a damn good writer. Maybe I could beta this? I would just help correct some of the few random grammatical mistakes and add a few lines of padding so it's a little longer. (Size does matter. Sorry to any boys out there readin' this)
BTW, is this the story you were getting people to audition for? If so you have quite a few auditions now 0.0 I think should put all the other romances (eg. Ray/? and Gerard/?) as a side story, it would make things more interesting, and people would be please at seeing thoer character thrown into the spotlight a little more.

Sorry if you got bored reading my random advice. I do this alot. XD

Author's response

Lol I know it's too short. But I have a longish chapter next to make up for it. :3
And yeah uh thanks for the advice? Lol.
And wow me a great writer.? O.O THANKKSS~~~