Review for Hold your breath, kid!

Hold your breath, kid!

(#) CosmicZombie 2011-03-07

oh my god, i was holding my breath the whole chapter (which is kinda ironic as the story's called Hold your breath, kid lol)...and then you left it on a cliffhanger!! :O pleeease let Frankie be okay- he's just too cute to die! sprints off to read more
CosmicZOmbie xo

Author's response

haha omg thats amazing, hehe well i'm glad that my title has achieved it's goal lol
awwwwww i know i do that a lot
i think i'm a cliffhanger queen hehe
ohhhhh you wil have to find out >.<
he is adorable i know lol
thankssss for reviewing
xx coz