Review for Cemetery Drive, Jersey

Cemetery Drive, Jersey

(#) paralove13 2011-06-14

Well since me and xXzoegoesrawrXx are twins I will add onto hers

Name: Alexa (Goes by Alex or Lex)

Personality traits: easy going like her sis, unlike her sis she always shows her feelings, school comes easy and she actually tries, loves any sort of punkish/rockish type music (Bayseide, MCR, MSI, etc.)

Hobbies: Is a writer and a dancer

General likes: MUSIC!, dance, writing, books (her favorite being "The Catcher in the Rye"), has an obsession with calendars and posters, neon colors

Dislikes: fake people, when her Asian mother is being “Asian”, or overly-conservative (no offense to the Asians!), drugs, homophobes & racism (of course) (same as sister)

Looks: same height as Kori, wears glasses, dyes her hair black on top and a natural auburn on the bottom, loves piercings and has many that are hidden from her mom (double lower right lip piercing (two on the same side), nose, 3 ear lobe, belly button, etc.)

Hope this works for ya.

Now about the update, MIKEY IS A MAN SKANK! But Devin makes up for it by being such a badass. MIKEY GET TOGETHER WITH MIKEY KNOW OR I'M COMING FOR YOU! Good update! Hehe I feel so special being par of the Cemetary Drive family :D