Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cemetery Drive, Jersey

Fly Balls And Pillows

by jadesohma 8 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-06-13 - Updated: 2011-06-14 - 819 words

I think you guys know me way too me well. It was bayside. But I got two who got it right. Can everyone say twins? paralove13 and xXzoegoesrawrXx please send my your looks and personality! Welcome to the Cemetery Drive family!

"WHAT THE FUCK?! BASES ARE LOADED AND YOU FUCKEN GET OUT! YOU PEICE OF SHIT!" I scream at the fucktard who struck out when Reyes is on 3rd and will get them a fucken run!

"HIT HIM IN THE FACE NEXT TIME!" An ass hole yelled behind my.

I whip around to face the dickface. "SHUT UP YOU FUCKEN PHILLIES FAN!"

"You wanna go princess?" He asked, throwing his hat on the ground and putting his fists up.

I look him up and down in disgust. "What kind of jack ass whould fight a chick- a MINOR chick at a baseball game? If you so much as touch me you'll be in jail for the next 6 months."

The man was taken back and just stared at me for a few mimutes. Then he sat down, like I knew he would. "Bitch that's right." I mumble.

"Well that was bad ass." Mikey said simply.

"Because that ass hole was being a dick and I used my awesome Jew powers to talk him out of it!" I snap. "It's lawyer power!!" Mikey sighed.

I roll my eyes and pay my attention to the game. David Wrights up and he's on the big screen. Mmmm, he's pretty... "David Wright is at bat." The anouncer murmered into the mic. "Here's the pitch, he swings AND IT'S GOING! IT'S FLYING RIGHT INTO THE STANDS! IT'S RIGHT BY THE FOUL LINE! AND IT'S CLEAN! GRAND SLAM BY DAVID WRIGHT!"

As that was being yelled into the mic, I was starring the ball down. I saw it coming right for me when it was hit! "Mikey give me your jacket!" I yell at him, yanking it off beore he had a chance to answer.

I hold the jacket ready to grab the ball. I lock my eyes on it as it spead right towards me. Then it goes falling, falling. I'M NOT LETTING THIS GET AWAY! I thought, going to the edge of the stands and holding the jacket out. I heard Mikey screaming at me to stop but I didn't listen, I'm getting this damn ball!

As soon as I felt the jacket start to slip out of my hands, I grip the ends tighter and clap the two ends together. "I GOT IT!" I scream.

"Good now get the fuck over here!" Mikey yelled in my ear, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me to our seats.

I giggle and take the ball out. "Look Mikes! I cought it! I cought it!"

"Yeah with my charlie the unicorn jacket!" Mikey pointed out.

"Oh..." I hold out the jacket to him. "You can have it back." A gust of wind made me shutter.

"No.. keep it." His says quietly, taking it from me and wrapping it around my shoulders.

"Thanks Mikes." I lean my head on his shoulder.

Gerad's P.O.V.

"MIKEY YOU FUCKEN TURD!" I chuck another pillow at his head, too bad he ducked. "ASS HOLE MIKEY!" Another pillow to his face, actually hitting him this time.

"I don't get what the hell I did wrong!" He yells, throwing a pillow back.

I cought in my hands before throwing it down and hopping over the sofa landing on top of him, pinning his arms down. "You don't just fucken kiss a girl then not ask her out! What the fuck do you think you are?! A Pimp?! Or a man skank?! Being able to do whatever you want with a girl with no strings attached?! I thought I raised you better!"

"Gee, do you know how much it took for me to kiss her in the first place?! If I was even thinking about that I'd shit my pants! You think She would dare go out with a guy who shit his pants on the L.I.E.?!" He snapped back at me. I stare at my little brother. The poor little shit. "GET OFF OF MY BEFORE YOU GET A BONER!"

I chuckle, rolling off of him. He quickly scrambled off the floor. He brushed himself off and glared down at me. "You really think I would use her?!"

I shrug. "That's what I was looking for."
Teehee:D See how I put your reviews in there? XD well how'd you likeses it??? OKay so that's really how people are at baseball games... I heard a dude yell hit him in the fucken face next time... But for the mets XD And if you didn't know (For people in different parts of the world) the L.I.E. Is the long island express. Whoop! NYC NYC NYC!!! Hahaha review!!! DANKA! MAY THE MUSIC BE WITH YOU! ~JS~
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