Review for Auditions!


(#) DeathDefying 2011-06-21

cool cool. very creative ideas, i really like them
i'm a guy, btw.

what story (helpfull to know which one you want) the 9/11 one or Heaven Help us. But really any story that's lacking characters is fine.

age: 19 (change is cool)

gender: male..

looks like(include clothes you wear as well as hair/eye colour)tall-about 5'11 with a pretty athletic body. he has fair skin, dimples and big green eyes. chocolate brown, choppy hair that always falls into his eyes. has a defined jaw line and a permanent smirk. has 5/16 gauges. when he laughs, he smiles with all his teeth, but other than that he usually has a smirk. handsome, but not confident or cocky. he wears alot of skinny jeans (not skin tight) in black, grey or denim. plaid shirts in all different colors that he leaves un buttoned and ashirt underneath. studded belts. plain white tee-shirts, band shirts (punk-misfits, black flag, etc) beanies, converse, vans, doc martens. tank tops. no shorts, ever. wears cuffs and fingerless gloves. has his upper left arm covered in tattoos. wears aviators with mirror like lenses or the kind like mikey's in na na na (i can't remember the name)

likesgraffiting things, drawing, drinking monster, filling in for people on tour, playing in front of large crowds, making people smile, winning, ghost shows, haunted places, music obviously, hanging out, pizza and sushi, jaws, comics, reading, night time, parties, making a mess, take-out, making people happy, rollercoasters, las vegas, concerts, meeting new people, pranking people, and coca-cola.

dislikes all the isms, failing, people touching his stuff, getting made fun of, people giving alot of shit, assholes, jack ass sleazy rockstars, groupies, fangirls (they annoy the hell outta him) overly nice people, annoying things, flies,ants, seeing his friends hurt.

habits (like bitinng lip, smokes) cracks knuckles and blinks alot.

personality confident in himself and his friends-but not a cocky jack-ass. kind to his friends. very loyal and honest, and doesn't take shit. very sarcastic and humorous. he's very laid back. not shy, but not very outgoing. he's a guitar tech for many tours. he's an artist-he loves to draw people, design tattoos, whatever the hell it is, he'll do it. brave, strong, corageous. doesn't like to show fear or pain. likes to be someone to talk to. will fight for his friends. stands by people. monster addict. ex smoker. poker-master. grafitti lover. guitar hero addict. dog lover. romantic. horror movie junkie. not easily hurt and doesn't like to hurt others. can and will beat the shit out of people if you piss him off enough.

something you DON`T want to happen to your character (like die) and something you do. (No sex or anything though, I`m 14, and will not write it, sorry) anythings cool with me. your fic, so you can use my character in anyway.

family( May/may not come into, just trying to cover all angles) has a 4 year old brother (Cody) from his mom and step dad......yeahh. parents divorced when he was young.

Anything else(like veggie)loves to eat. i think thats it.

Author's response

HI. So, you are in! Thanks, oh and by the way-LOVE your taste in music!