Review for Auditions!


(#) dancingdragon 2011-06-21

really excited to read these!

what story: heaven help us



looks like(include clothes you wear as well as hair/eye colour)
(include any tattoos or piercings): Black hair that shines in the light. Orangey brown eyes and has no piercings and tattoos. always wears a cross, usually black skinny jeans and a white plain jacket.

likes:going to church, praying, studying, horseback riding, canooing,camping in the woods, animals,archery

dislikes: falling

habits (like bitinng lip, smokes): addicted to caffiene

personality:very shy and pretty strict (a.k.a doesnt fool around) very loyal and honest and enjoys destroying demons and anything sent by Satan, no matter what they've done or if they are her friends. She died when she was 14, but she has been alive for over 100 years. Sent by God to destroy demons, so not really fallen but on Earth

something you DON`T want to happen to your character (like die) and something you do. (No sex or anything though, I`m 14, and will not write it, sorry)pretty much anythings cool with me

family( May/may not come into, just trying to cover all angles)has only a widowed mother, Father was killed by Evil

Anything else(like veggie): uhmmm not really

really stoked to read your fics! (even if I don't get in)