Review for Hide your body from the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W

Hide your body from the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W

(#) Cheeselicous97 2011-08-03

It sounds amazing :'D I'm already hooked to this story :)
Yes I am A fanfic whore, ok?

I love me some fanfic.

More soon, pleasee :'D

P.S If you get an anon. audition that might be mine...I don't think I sighed in at that point. You'll knnow its mine when you see the killjoy names - TwistedInsanity and Static Monster.

But if its not an anon. audition you can forget all about the above ^

Author's response

Thank you, and you and your friend will both be in it :)